La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída

Objetivo: Se realizó una revisión sistemática para identificar definiciones que permitieran el estudio de la recaída como un patrón y proceso conductual. Método: La revisión fue realizada siguiendo los lineamientos de la guía PRISMA-P. Los artículos que cumplían con los siguientes criterios fueron revisados: (1) publicados en revistas con revisión por pares, (b) definían explícitamente la recaída, (c) se evaluó la recaída después o durante un tratamiento psicológico o participación en un grupo de autoayuda, (d) la intervención se enfocaba en el consumo de alcohol, (d) publicados entre el año 2000 y septiembre de 2016. Resultados: Cualquier consumo fue el resultado más frecuentemente usado para definir la recaída, aunque otros resultados dis... Ver más

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International Journal of Psychological Research - 2018

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spelling La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
consumo de alcohol
Artículo de revista
resultados del tratamiento
Objetivo: Se realizó una revisión sistemática para identificar definiciones que permitieran el estudio de la recaída como un patrón y proceso conductual. Método: La revisión fue realizada siguiendo los lineamientos de la guía PRISMA-P. Los artículos que cumplían con los siguientes criterios fueron revisados: (1) publicados en revistas con revisión por pares, (b) definían explícitamente la recaída, (c) se evaluó la recaída después o durante un tratamiento psicológico o participación en un grupo de autoayuda, (d) la intervención se enfocaba en el consumo de alcohol, (d) publicados entre el año 2000 y septiembre de 2016. Resultados: Cualquier consumo fue el resultado más frecuentemente usado para definir la recaída, aunque otros resultados discretos también se consideraron. No obstante, ninguna de las definiciones operacionales reflejó la noción del regreso a un patrón de consumo problemático y/o el proceso a la recaída. Conclusiones: Problemas relacionados a la definición de cualquier consumo son discutidos y se propone un índice compuesto para estudiar la recaída.
La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
Marlatt, G. A., & Donovan, D. M. (Eds.). (2005). Relapse prevention: Maintenance strategies in the treatment of addictive behaviors. Guilford Press. Marlatt, G. A., & George, W. H. (1984). Relapse prevention: Introduction and overview of the model. British Journal of Addiction, 79(3), 261–273. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1984.tb00274.x
Moore, T. M., Seavey, A., Ritter, K., Mcnulty, J. K., Gordon, K. C., & Stuart, G. L. (2014). Ecological momentary assessment of the effects of craving and affect on risk for relapse during substance abuse treatment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28(2), 619– 624. doi: 10.1037/a0034127
Rahill, G. J., Pinto Lopez, E., Vanderbiest, A., & Rice, C. (2009). What is relapse? A contemporary exploration of treatment of alcoholism. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 9(3), 245–262. doi: 10.1080/15332560902841816
Potgieter, A. S., Deckers, F., & Geerlings, P. (1999). Craving and relapse measurement in alcoholism. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 34(2), 254–260. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/34.2.254
Papachristou, H., Nederkoorn, C., Giesen, J. C., & Jansen, A. (2014). Cue reactivity during treatment, and not impulsivity, predicts an initial lapse after treatment in alcohol use disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 39(3), 737–739. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.11.027
Neto, D., Lambaz, R., Aguiar, P., & Chick, J. (2008). Effectiveness of sequential combined treatment in comparison with treatment as usual in preventing relapse in alcohol dependence. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 43(6), 661–668. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agn075
Muraven, M. (2010). Practicing self-control lowers the risk of smoking lapse. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24(3), 446–452. doi: 10.1037/a0018545
Mundt, J. C., Moore, H. K., & Bean, P. (2006). An interactive voice response program to reduce drinking relapse: A feasibility study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 30(1), 21–29. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2005.08.010
Mueller, S. E., Petitjean, S., Boening, J., & Wiesbeck, G. A. (2007). The impact of self-help group attendance on relapse rates after alcohol detoxification in a controlled study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 42(2), 108–112. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agl122
Moyer, A., Finney, J. W., & Swearingen, C. E. (2002). Methodological characteristics and quality of alcohol treatment outcome studies, 1970–98: An expanded evaluation. Addiction, 97(3), 253–263. doi: 10.1046/j.1360-0443.2002.00017.x
Moos, R. H., & Moos, B. S. (2006). Rates and predictors of relapse after natural and treated remission from alcohol use disorders. Addiction, 101(2), 212–222. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-443.2006.01310.x
Moher, D., Shamseer, L., Clarke, M., Ghersi, D., Liberati, A., Petticrew, M., ... & Stewart, L. A. (2015). Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Systematic reviews, 4(1), 1. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-4-1
Marlatt, G. A., & Witkiewitz, K. (2002). Harm reduction approaches to alcohol use: Health promotion, prevention, and treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 27(6), 867-886. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4603(02)00294-0
Koob, G. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2009). Neurocircuitry of addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, 217–238. doi: 10.1038/npp.2009.110
Maisto, S. A., Pollock, N. K., Cornelius, J. R., Lynch, K. G., & Martin, C. S. (2003). Alcohol relapse as a function of relapse definition in a clinical sample of adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 28(3), 449-459. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4603(01)00267-2
Schmidt, L. G., & Smolka, M. (2001). Relapse prevention in alcoholics by cigarette smoking? Involvement of nicotinic–dopaminergic mechanisms. Alcohol, 24(2), 111–115. doi: 10.1016/S0741-8329(01)00129-X
Maisto, S. A., & Connors, G. J. (2006). Relapse in the addictive behaviors: Integration and future directions. Clinical Psychology Review, 26(2), 229-231. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2005.11.009
Maisto, S. A., Witkiewitz, K., Moskal, D., & Wilson, A. D. (2016). Is the Construct of Relapse Heuristic, and Does It Advance Alcohol Use Disorder Clinical Practice? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(6), 849-858. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2016.77.849
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Martínez, K. I., Pedroza, F. J., Salazar, M.L., & Vacio, M. (2014). Estrategias de enfrentamiento y número de recaídas en el proceso de cambio de adolescentes que abusan del alcohol. Revista Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta, 40(3), 11–31.
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International Journal of Psychological Research
Universidad San Buenaventura - USB (Colombia)
Journal article
treatment outcomes
alcohol consumption
Martínez, Kalina
Salazar, Martha
Pedroza, Francisco
Vacio, Ángeles
Reyes-Huerta, Hugo E.
Objective: A systematic review was conducted to identify definitions that facilitated the study of relapse as both behavioral pattern and process. Methods: The review was conducted following the PRISMA-P guidelines. Articles that met the following inclusion criteria were considered: (a) published in peerreviewed journals, (b) provided an explicit operational definition of relapse, (c) assessed relapse during or after a specific psychological or self-care group intervention, (d) focused on alcohol consumption, and (e) were published between 2000 and September 2016. Results: “Any drinking” was the most frequent outcome used to identify relapse, although other discrete outcomes were also considered. Nevertheless, none of the definitions operationalize the notion of the return to a problematic drinking pattern and/or the process of relapse. Conclusion: Problems related to any drinking definition are discussed and we propose the use of a composed index to study relapse.
Ham, L. S., & Hope, D. A. (2003). College students and problematic drinking: A review of the literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(5), 719–759. doi: 10.1016/S0272-7358(03)00071-0
Brown, T. G., Seraganian, P., Tremblay, J., & Annis, H. (2002). Process and outcome changes with relapse prevention versus 12-Step aftercare programs for substance abusers. Addiction, 97(6), 677–689. doi: 10.1046/j.1360-0443.2002.00101.x
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Chung, T., Maisto, S. A., Cornelius, J. R., & Martin, C. S. (2004). Adolescents’ alcohol and drug use trajectories in the year following treatment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 65(1), 105–114. doi: 10.15288/jsa.2004.65.105
Chung, T., & Maisto, S. (2006). Relapse to alcohol and other drug use in treated adolescents: Review and reconsideration of relapse as a change point in clinical course. Clinical Psychology Review, 26(2), 149–161. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2005.11.004
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Demirbas, H., Ilhan, I. O., & Dogan, Y. B. (2012). Ways of problem solving as predictors of relapse in alcohol dependent male inpatients. Addictive Behaviors, 37(1), 131–134. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.08.007
Bottlender, M., & Soyka, M. (2004). Impact of craving on alcohol relapse during, and 12 months following, outpatient treatment. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 39(4), 357–361. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agh073
Bennett, G. A., Withers, J., Thomas, P. W., Higgins, D. S., Bailey, J., Parry, L., & Davies, E. (2005). A randomised trial of early warning signs relapse prevention training in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Addictive Behaviors, 30(6), 1111–1124. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2004.10.008
Anderson, K. G., Ramo, D. E., Schulte, M. T., Cummins, K., & Brown, S. A. (2008). The impact of relapse predictors on psychosocial functioning of SUD youth one year after treatment. Substance Abuse, 29(2), 97–106. doi: 10.1080/08897070802093411 Baer, J. S. (2002). Student factors: Understanding individual variation in college drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement(s14), 40-53. doi: 10.15288/jsas.2002.s14.40
Donovan, D. M., & Marlatt, G. A. (2005). Assessment of addictive behaviors (2nd Ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Engel, K., Schaefer, M., Stickel, A., Binder, H., Heinz, A., & Richter, C. (2016). The role of psychological distress in relapse prevention of alcohol addiction. Can high scores on the SCL-90-R predict alcohol relapse?. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(1), 27-31. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agv062
Allsop, S., Saunders, B., & Phillips, M. (2000). The process of relapse in severely dependent male problem drinkers. Addiction, 95(1), 95–106. doi: 10.1046/j.1360-0443.2000.9519510.x
Estopiñán, P. C., Poza, A. P., Martín, P. S., & García, C. P. (2009). Terapia grupal en prevención de recaídas del alcoholismo frente a seguimiento ambulatorio habitual. Adicciones, 21(1), 15–20. doi: 10.20882/adicciones.247
Feeney, G. F., Young, R. M. D., Connor, J. P., Tucker, J., & McPherson, A. (2002). Cognitive behavioural therapy combined with the relapse-prevention medication acamprosate: are short-term treatment outcomes for alcohol dependence improved? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36(5), 622–628. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-1614.2002.01019.x
International Journal of Psychological Research - 2018
Greenwood, G. L., Woods, W. J., Guydish, J., & Bein, E. (2001). Relapse outcomes in a randomized trial of residential and day drug abuse treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 20(1), 15–23. doi: 10.1016/S0740-5472(00)00147-1
Cisler, R. A., & Zweben, A. (1999). Development of a composite measure for assessing alcohol treatment outcome: Operationalization and validation. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 23(2), 263–271. doi: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.1999.tb04109.x
country_str Colombia
collection International Journal of Psychological Research
title La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
spellingShingle La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
Martínez, Kalina
Salazar, Martha
Pedroza, Francisco
Vacio, Ángeles
Reyes-Huerta, Hugo E.
consumo de alcohol
resultados del tratamiento
treatment outcomes
alcohol consumption
title_short La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
title_full La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
title_fullStr La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
title_full_unstemmed La recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
title_sort la recuperación del consumo de alcohol: análisis del constructo de recaída
description Objetivo: Se realizó una revisión sistemática para identificar definiciones que permitieran el estudio de la recaída como un patrón y proceso conductual. Método: La revisión fue realizada siguiendo los lineamientos de la guía PRISMA-P. Los artículos que cumplían con los siguientes criterios fueron revisados: (1) publicados en revistas con revisión por pares, (b) definían explícitamente la recaída, (c) se evaluó la recaída después o durante un tratamiento psicológico o participación en un grupo de autoayuda, (d) la intervención se enfocaba en el consumo de alcohol, (d) publicados entre el año 2000 y septiembre de 2016. Resultados: Cualquier consumo fue el resultado más frecuentemente usado para definir la recaída, aunque otros resultados discretos también se consideraron. No obstante, ninguna de las definiciones operacionales reflejó la noción del regreso a un patrón de consumo problemático y/o el proceso a la recaída. Conclusiones: Problemas relacionados a la definición de cualquier consumo son discutidos y se propone un índice compuesto para estudiar la recaída.
description_eng Objective: A systematic review was conducted to identify definitions that facilitated the study of relapse as both behavioral pattern and process. Methods: The review was conducted following the PRISMA-P guidelines. Articles that met the following inclusion criteria were considered: (a) published in peerreviewed journals, (b) provided an explicit operational definition of relapse, (c) assessed relapse during or after a specific psychological or self-care group intervention, (d) focused on alcohol consumption, and (e) were published between 2000 and September 2016. Results: “Any drinking” was the most frequent outcome used to identify relapse, although other discrete outcomes were also considered. Nevertheless, none of the definitions operationalize the notion of the return to a problematic drinking pattern and/or the process of relapse. Conclusion: Problems related to any drinking definition are discussed and we propose the use of a composed index to study relapse.
author Martínez, Kalina
Salazar, Martha
Pedroza, Francisco
Vacio, Ángeles
Reyes-Huerta, Hugo E.
author_facet Martínez, Kalina
Salazar, Martha
Pedroza, Francisco
Vacio, Ángeles
Reyes-Huerta, Hugo E.
topicspa_str_mv consumo de alcohol
resultados del tratamiento
topic consumo de alcohol
resultados del tratamiento
treatment outcomes
alcohol consumption
topic_facet consumo de alcohol
resultados del tratamiento
treatment outcomes
alcohol consumption
citationvolume 11
citationissue 1
publisher Universidad San Buenaventura - USB (Colombia)
ispartofjournal International Journal of Psychological Research
language Inglés
format Article
International Journal of Psychological Research - 2018
references_eng Marlatt, G. A., & Donovan, D. M. (Eds.). (2005). Relapse prevention: Maintenance strategies in the treatment of addictive behaviors. Guilford Press. Marlatt, G. A., & George, W. H. (1984). Relapse prevention: Introduction and overview of the model. British Journal of Addiction, 79(3), 261–273. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.1984.tb00274.x
Moore, T. M., Seavey, A., Ritter, K., Mcnulty, J. K., Gordon, K. C., & Stuart, G. L. (2014). Ecological momentary assessment of the effects of craving and affect on risk for relapse during substance abuse treatment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28(2), 619– 624. doi: 10.1037/a0034127
Rahill, G. J., Pinto Lopez, E., Vanderbiest, A., & Rice, C. (2009). What is relapse? A contemporary exploration of treatment of alcoholism. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 9(3), 245–262. doi: 10.1080/15332560902841816
Potgieter, A. S., Deckers, F., & Geerlings, P. (1999). Craving and relapse measurement in alcoholism. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 34(2), 254–260. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/34.2.254
Papachristou, H., Nederkoorn, C., Giesen, J. C., & Jansen, A. (2014). Cue reactivity during treatment, and not impulsivity, predicts an initial lapse after treatment in alcohol use disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 39(3), 737–739. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.11.027
Neto, D., Lambaz, R., Aguiar, P., & Chick, J. (2008). Effectiveness of sequential combined treatment in comparison with treatment as usual in preventing relapse in alcohol dependence. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 43(6), 661–668. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agn075
Muraven, M. (2010). Practicing self-control lowers the risk of smoking lapse. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24(3), 446–452. doi: 10.1037/a0018545
Mundt, J. C., Moore, H. K., & Bean, P. (2006). An interactive voice response program to reduce drinking relapse: A feasibility study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 30(1), 21–29. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2005.08.010
Mueller, S. E., Petitjean, S., Boening, J., & Wiesbeck, G. A. (2007). The impact of self-help group attendance on relapse rates after alcohol detoxification in a controlled study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 42(2), 108–112. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agl122
Moyer, A., Finney, J. W., & Swearingen, C. E. (2002). Methodological characteristics and quality of alcohol treatment outcome studies, 1970–98: An expanded evaluation. Addiction, 97(3), 253–263. doi: 10.1046/j.1360-0443.2002.00017.x
Moos, R. H., & Moos, B. S. (2006). Rates and predictors of relapse after natural and treated remission from alcohol use disorders. Addiction, 101(2), 212–222. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-443.2006.01310.x
Moher, D., Shamseer, L., Clarke, M., Ghersi, D., Liberati, A., Petticrew, M., ... & Stewart, L. A. (2015). Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Systematic reviews, 4(1), 1. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-4-1
Marlatt, G. A., & Witkiewitz, K. (2002). Harm reduction approaches to alcohol use: Health promotion, prevention, and treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 27(6), 867-886. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4603(02)00294-0
Koob, G. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2009). Neurocircuitry of addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, 217–238. doi: 10.1038/npp.2009.110
Maisto, S. A., Pollock, N. K., Cornelius, J. R., Lynch, K. G., & Martin, C. S. (2003). Alcohol relapse as a function of relapse definition in a clinical sample of adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 28(3), 449-459. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4603(01)00267-2
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